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  • baypinesestates

What are the benefits of being a member?

  1. The biggest ongoing expense which covers landscaping, grass cutting & trimming trees.

  2. Provide doggie bags around the lake.

  3. Purchase, repair, clean, & maintain the benches so everyone can sit and relax to the soothing sounds of the fountain that a service comes regularly to make sure it is in tip top shape.

  4. Responsible for putting up & maintaining the signs around the lake.

  5. Have a liability policy in place for the public area.

  6. Host several events throughout the year such as the well attended Christmas party at The Sports Bar.

  7. Host and award cash prizes for decorating your home for the Halloween and Christmas holidays.

  8. Hosted a lake party that included a food truck and music that we hope to make an annual event.

  9. Are interested in doing some smaller block party events so that you can get to know the neighbors on your street.

  10. Coordinate 2 annual garage sales and advertise across several venues including posting signs in neighborhood and arrange for the bulk pick up.

  11. Award a Home of the Month recognizing the time and effort homeowners take in beautifying their yard and neighborhood.

  12. Send out quarterly newsletters that impact the neighborhood, save the dates, annual calendar, etc

  13. Maintain & monitor the BayPinesEstates Facebook page.


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